Friday, December 21, 2007

great gift ideas

i was in anthropologie shopping yesterday and came across this little baby aquarium. it is amazing what science has done. made by NASA after years of studying they were able to create a world totally enclosed with no maintenance required. it just calls for some sunlight. i had to buy it for my brother and my mom. they make perfect christmas gifts! most anthropologie stores only carry one at a time because shipping them is difficult. check out this website you can buy it here.

an ecospere is the world's first totally enclosed ecosystem - a complete, self-contained and self-sustaining miniature world encased in glass. Be wary of inferior and lower quality imitations. Easy to care for, an EcoSphere is an incredible learning tool that can provide powerful insights about life on our own planet... and provide a glimpse of technology that's shaping the future of space exploration.

juicy couture monopoly? who would of thought. I bought a few of these for friends and of course had to get one for myself :)*1*24*-1*-1*14 ugg slippers. my dad never even wore slippers until i bought him these last year. the sheepskin lining is the key to confort.

this is actually on my list :) perfect coffee table book.

being a bartender at a bar that serves a lot of wine this is perfect. seriously, i have not found one even close to this nice. it about 1 sec. to open. no lie! any wine lover would appreciate this.*R1C1*A

custom dog portraits! how cute is this? restoration hardware features it for $595. well worth the money

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